Former National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Obesity scoops top health award

By Editor
7th December 2023

A ‘globally renowned’ consultant has won a major award for improving NHS care for people living with diabetes.

Professor Jonathan Valabhji OBE has received the Health Service Journal (HSJ) 2023 Clinical Leader of the Year Award for driving positive change in diabetes and obesity care.

After more than a decade in the post, he stepped down from the role of National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Obesity at the end of September and is now Professor of Medicine at Imperial College London based at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust campus.

He said: “I am delighted to receive this award. A huge thank you to my team at NHS England for making it all possible, and to all those in the diabetes and obesity communities who have supported us and our programmes of work over the years.”

Professor Valabhji’s drive to improve care has led to the successful establishment of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme, NHS Type 2 Path to Remission Programme and Type 1 Disordered Eating Programme.

These establishments have supported millions of people and generated new evidence about lifestyle interventions on preventing poor health.

According to the judges, he is an inspirational leader who has implemented and rolled out impactful projects, with excellent use and interpretation of data to make a real difference.

For more information, click here.

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