JBDS launch inpatient diabetes service survey

By Editor
13th October 2022

Inpatient teams are being asked to complete a survey on which healthcare professionals are needed to deliver good diabetes care in hospital.

The questionnaire has been launched by the Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) and aims to identify the right number of staff needed to deliver an ideal, state of the art inpatient diabetes service in the UK.

Dr Umesh Dashora, Diabetes Consultant, said: “All over the country diabetes teams are trying to do the best for people with diabetes admitted in hospitals for various reasons.

“It will help us all if we have a clear understanding of how many different health care professionals (consultants, diabetes specialist nurses, health care assistants, dieticians, podiatrists, diabetes pharmacists, physician assistants, physician associates) in various combinations we need to deliver an ideal inpatient diabetes service for the 21st century.”

He added: “We recognise that it may be aspirational rather than practically possible, but we have to have sight of the goal to make our baby steps in that direction.

“Please try the excel sheet by putting the numbers (time taken to review average patient, average number of patients, time for admin, etc) to calculate your own staffing requirement and let us know if we need to change those numbers for more accurate result.”

The deadline to complete this survey is Monday, October 31.

For more information and to take part in the survey, click here.

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