NHS to launch ‘first of its kind’ diabetes survey

By Editor
12th March 2024
Latest news, NHS NHS England

People living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes will be able to share their experiences of the care they have received from the NHS by filling in a survey that is going live in the Spring.

NHS England will soon launch the National Diabetes Experience Survey to give people living with either type of diabetes the opportunity to change policy and practice by giving feedback on their care experiences.

Responses will highlight what NHS diabetes care is currently being provided to people living in England.

The survey is the first of its kind and is designed to help diabetes services in England make improvements based on what really matters to people living with diabetes.

Data gathered from the survey will be published at national level and for each Integrated Care System.

Questions in the survey will cover a range of different topics, including annual NHS diabetes reviews, NHS appointments, technology devices to manage diabetes, educational diabetes courses and diagnosis experiences.

NHS England has collaborated closely with people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, carers of those living with diabetes, healthcare professionals, and local providers to develop this survey.

This collaboration ensures that the survey remains relevant, accessible, and impactful for people living with diabetes.

Andrew, who was part of the advisory group, said: “As people living with diabetes, we have had significant input into how this survey has been put together.

“Our voices have helped to make this survey a relevant and important turning point in the improvement of care and support for everyone living with diabetes.”

He added: “By filling in the survey, your input will be added to our voices. Everyone involved in the provision of care for those living with diabetes will hear us loud and clear and know exactly where change is needed to provide the best possible diabetes care and support in our journeys through the NHS.”

Fellow member Becky said: “I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 13.

“Diabetes care has progressed during this time but there are still opportunities through enhanced healthcare to improve the quality of life for people living with the condition.”

She continued: “My role in the Advisory Group enables my voice to be heard and helps to retain focus on the lived experience and what good support means to us.”

Anjita, who was also involved, concluded: “I joined this lived experience group as a carer of someone living with diabetes, to give my input to the questionnaire and bring experiences of the black and South Asian community to this survey.

“I am hoping this survey will put the patients’ voice at the heart of patient care for individuals with diabetes.”

The survey will open in Spring 2024.

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