Type 2 diabetes prevention programme comes to central Norfolk

By Editor
20th March 2017
East of England, Type 2 prevention

A national drive to prevent type 2 diabetes is being rolled out in central Norfolk.

The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme will support 100,000 people a year across the whole country by 2020 through tailored, personalised help.

It has now been launched throughout central Norfolk – Norwich, North & South Norfolk CCG areas – alongside the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and the University of East Anglia (UEA) as one of the first wave sites.

The programme is a joint initiative between NHS England, Public Health England and Diabetes UK and is aimed at reducing the number of patients being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes by identifying them and referring them to the programme.

We’re proud to be rolling out the first wave of this important public health programme in Central Norfolk.

People can be referred to the programme by their GP, nurse or other health professional and will be offered a programme of behavioural intervention, designed to reduce their risk of developing the condition through weight loss, improved diet and increased levels of exercise.

Dr Tony Palframan, GP and GP Educator at Healthgate Medical Practice and leading a review on Diabetes in South Norfolk said: “We’re proud to be rolling out the first wave of this important public health programme in Central Norfolk. We look forward to working with ICS Health and Wellbeing to offer a tailored behavioural change programme to benefit the local population.”

To be eligible for the programme people must be over the age of 18, (not pregnant) and have an HbA1c level, measured within the last 12 months, of between 42-47 mmol/mol (6.0-6.4 per cent).

People aged between 40-74 are also eligible for an NHS Health Check every five years which checks your vascular or circulatory health and works out your risk of developing some of the most disabling – but preventable – illnesses. These tests will also highlight those eligible to join the programme.

For more information about Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention programme, click here.

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