Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 3 now available for use in the UK
A global healthcare company has announced that the latest addition of the world-leading FreeStyle Libre sensor technology is now available for use in the UK.
Abbott has unveiled that the FreeStyle Libre 3 continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system is available via the NHS Supply Chain Framework for people with more complex diabetes management needs who require a real-time CGM device, such as those with impaired hypoglycaemia awareness.
The FreeStyle Libre 3 system automatically delivers continuous, real-time glucose readings every minute to users’ smartphones and provides 14 days of unsurpassed accuracy, with the smallest and thinnest sensor design available. As a result, glucose monitoring with Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 3 system is even more convenient and discreet.
The sensor, which is only the size of a £1 coin, is worn on the back of the upper arm for up to 14 days. Reducing the system’s total volume by more than 70%, Abbott designed the FreeStyle Libre 3 system to be more sustainable for the environment, including a 41% reduction in plastic and 43% decrease in carton paper.
The system comprises the sensor and the FreeStyle Libre 3 smartphone app2, which allows users to record their real-time glucose levels, glucose history and trend arrows and see them every minute. A quick glance at their compatible smartphone is all it takes to see changes in glucose levels and adjust their diabetes management accordingly.
Neil Harris, General Manager for Abbott’s UK and Ireland diabetes care business, said: “At Abbott, we are proud to bring the FreeStyle Libre 3 system to the UK for people with diabetes.
“For those people with more complex diabetes management needs, the system aims to make management easier and more convenient by providing a continuous picture of their glucose levels in real-time, as well as where they are heading.”
Eligibility criteria for real-time CGM can be found on the Diabetes UK or JDRF websites. Those who think they may be eligible should discuss with their healthcare professional at their next routine appointment.
The FreeStyle Libre 3 app is initially available for Android operating systems only, with the iOS version expected in the coming months.
Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre and FreeStyle Libre 2 systems remain listed on the NHS Drug Tariff and available on prescription for people with diabetes eligible for Flash Glucose Monitoring.
Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre system is designed to change the way glucose is monitored in people with diabetes and ultimately help them improve their diabetes management. The system measures glucose levels using a sensor worn on the back of the upper arm, eliminating the need for routine finger-pricking.
Three FreeStyle Libre systems; FreeStyle Libre, FreeStyle Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre 3 are now available in the UK, offering a range of glucose monitoring solutions depending on individual need.
Numerous clinical studies have shown that people who use the FreeStyle Libre systems experienced improved glucose control, increased time in target range, reduced hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose) and hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose), and lower HbA1c (average glucose concentration over 3 months) – all of which contribute to improving the health of people with diabetes. Data also shows that use of the FreeStyle Libre system reduces diabetes-related hospitalisations and workplace absenteeism. These aspects also promote an increase in quality of life.
As the most widely used sensor-based glucose monitoring system in the world, Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre product portfolio has changed the lives of nearly four million people in more than 50 countries around the world.
Hi you posted this a year ago yet it still can’t be bought from Abbotts website. I wondered if anyone knew why as i can’t get any sense out of abbott who say i have to go through the nhs but the nhs won’t give me the libre 3 because i don’t use an insulin pump but i’m happy to buy it. It’s crazy.
Does the library 3 work with a monitor as well as a smartphone?
There is no alarm inside Libre 2. The alarm is part of the phone app. Libre 3 has improved Bluetooth connectivity so the alarms will work even better than before. NFC has even been removed because the Bluetooth has improved so much.
Does Libre 3 still have the alarms available with Libre 2?