Diabetes conference shares good practice
Healthcare professionals from the North East with a clinical interest in diabetes care gathered to share good practice.
More than 70 people attended the Using Audit to Improve Diabetes Care Across the Network event in Durham.
Attendee’s discussed local and regional presented data and looked at current practice, while sharing innovative methods of care delivery.
Implementation of guidance
Delegates also had a vital opportunity to participate in expert facilitated table top discussions focusing on recently published NICE guidelines for diabetes care.
This helped raise awareness of NICE quality standards, identifying current practice leading discussions on the challenges faced by all teams in implementation of guidance.
The event was a joint venture between the Northern England Strategic Clinical Networks and Diabetes UK.
Professor Jonathan Valabhji the national clinical director for obesity and diabetes presented the Strategy for Diabetes in England.
He used key aspects from the Five Year Forward plan to discuss the National Diabetes Prevention programme.
Dr Rahul Nayar, who is a specialist in diabetes care at City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and also the clinical lead for the regional Northern England Strategic Clinical Network for Diabetes, said: “This collaborative event bringing teams together from across the region to share and discuss current and future practice is vital.
“Using local data to drive improvements in service provision ensuring our patients with diabetes receive the best care possible in keeping with national guidance is of paramount importance.
“We are grateful to all members of the multi-disciplinary teams around the region for participating and driving forward better care.”