Hybrid closed loop systems improve lives of children with type 1 diabetes, study reveals

By Editor
29th April 2024
Children, Research Technology Type 1 diabetes

Children and young people with type 1 diabetes are more likely to improve their glycaemic management, time-in-range and quality of life by using a hybrid closed loop (HCL) system, according to the largest real-world investigation of HCL in the UK.

Researchers have found that these improvements associated with using HCL systems encompass reduced fear and worry related to hypoglycaemia, with hypo frequency reducing among the study participants by 50 per cent.

In addition, the results show that those who used a HCL system for six to 12 months experienced enhanced sleep quality, as did their parents or caregivers.

A total of 251 children and young people with type 1 diabetes took part in the investigation and were analysed between August 2021 and December 2022.

The study utilised three HCL systems:

  • Tandem Control-IQ AP system, which uses the Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump (Tandem Diabetes Care, San Diego, CA, USA) with the Dexcom G6® CGM (Dexcom, San Diego, CA, USA) sensor
  • Medtronic MiniMed™ 780G with the Guardian 4 sensor (Medtronic, Northridge, CA, USA)
  • The CamAPS FX (CamDiab, Cambridge, UK) with the Ypsomed insulin pump (Ypsomed Ltd, Escrick, UK) and Dexcom G6® CGM.

All systems were fully funded by the NHS. The findings demonstrate significant improvements in HbA1c (average reduction at 12 months 7 mmol/mol; P < 0.001), time-in-range (average increase 13.4 per cent; P < 0.001), hypoglycaemia frequency (50 per cent reduction), hypoglycaemia fear, and quality of sleep (P < 0.001) among children and young people over a 12-month period of HCL usage.

Additionally, parents and carers experienced improvements in hypoglycaemia fear after six and 12 months of use.

Senior author Professor May Ng OBE, Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Endocrinologist, said: “With the NHS England Closed Loop Study results and the universal health coverage announced in the NICE technology appraisal recently for all children, we are witnessing a pivotal moment in diabetes healthcare.

“Cutting-edge technology will not only enhance clinical outcomes but will also profoundly impact the daily lives of people with type 1 diabetes and caregivers on a nationwide scale.”

The study concludes: “These findings underscore the positive impact of HCL systems on both the well-being of children and young people with type 1 diabetes and the individuals caring for them.”

To read the study, click here.

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