Minimising weight regain associated with sustained type 2 diabetes remission, study suggests

By Editor
18th April 2024
Diabetes UK, Research Type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes remission

Losing weight, and minimising weight regain, is associated with staying in type 2 diabetes remission for a long period of time, new research has indicated.

Professor Roy Taylor, from Newcastle University, highlighted the importance of weight loss for achieving type 2 diabetes remission during his session today at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2024.

Individuals signed up to intervention programmes, such as DiRECT, are less at risk of experiencing serious adverse events over five years, data has revealed.

For those on the DiRECT programme who do not achieve remission, they are still likely to have a better quality of life and will tend to take less medication, research has reported.

Results from the ReTUNE study have shown that 70 per cent of ‘normal weight’ people with type 2 diabetes achieve, and sustain, remission.

Professor Taylor said: “Weight loss is critical for remission and can restore your health. The benefits go beyond just remission itself.”

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