New glycaemic management and enteral feeding guideline published

By Editor
17th June 2024
Guidelines, Inpatient Type 2 diabetes

A new guideline on how to manage blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes who require enteral feeding is now available.

The Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) has published these recommendations to improve outcomes among inpatients with type 2 diabetes while they receive enteral feeding.

Entitled ‘Glycaemic management during enteral feeding for people with diabetes in hospital’, the guideline aims to provide pragmatic guidance for the inpatient management of people who have diabetes and who require a period of enteral feeding to improve patient outcomes.

Some of the report’s key recommendations include:

  • All people with diabetes receiving enteral feed should be reviewed by the diabetes specialist team, ideally in conjunction with the dietitian / nutrition team prior to commencing the feed to determine a suitable feed / treatment regimen
  • As it is difficult to predict the individual response to insulin and feed, regular specialist review, frequent glucose testing and timely change to the regimen should be made if glucose targets are not being achieved
  • Where out of hours feeding regimens are commenced, a locally agreed guideline, produced by the local dietetic / nutrition and diabetes team should be available to offer diabetes treatment advice.

To access the guideline, click here.

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