New molecule discovered could help diagnose type 1 diabetes earlier

By Editor
19th December 2019

A new molecule that could be used as a biological ‘marker’ in the early diagnosis of type 1 diabetes has been discovered by researchers.

The findings found that miR-409-3p reduced both in mice with a type 1 like condition and also in people recently diagnosed with type 1 compared to their unaffected counterparts.

Found to be involved in regulation of the immune response, levels of the molecule rose when mice with a type 1 like condition were treated with an immunotherapy.

The team plan to carry out further work to determine how the molecule is involved in the development of type 1 diabetes, however it could be used as a marker to both assist in the early diagnosis of type 1 and to signify how well a treatment is working.

The part-funded JDRF trial was carried out because the researchers wanted to find a new marker for type 1 diabetes to help diagnose and treat people earlier.

Combined with experimental therapies to stop the immune attack, early detection could make it possible to save more beta cells, making it easier for people with type 1 to manage their blood glucose.

The findings have been published in the journal Diabetologia.

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