Rowan Hillson Award 2022 winner announced
A team led by an academic clinical fellow based in Birmingham has been named the winner of the renowned Rowan Hillson Award 2022.
The team, led by Dr Punith Kempegoda, from DEKODE and the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, won the award for their cloud-based DKA management monitoring system.
The app was successfully implemented in a number of trusts and provides users with support tools and guidance on DKA. The project also published DKA data during the COVID-19 period.
The judges stated: “This was a very well thought out, adaptable project, focussing on one of the main areas of harm.
“It is an outstanding initiative engaging those at the front line through a QI initiative, combined with excellent support tools and guidance.”
They added: “The impact on uniformity of care across the various hospitals is an important achievement.”
Dr Adrian Li and his team from King’s College came in second place for their project on remote blood glucose monitoring as a means to facilitate admission avoidance and safe early discharges during the pandemic.
The annual award is organised by the Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) and led by Dr Umesh Dashora and Diabetes Nurse Consultant Erwin Castro.
This year, the judges were looking for the best interventions that were implemented during the COVID-19 lockdowns, after the awards were postponed last year due to the pressures on hospital teams during the pandemic.
The submissions were judged against predetermined criteria, by an independent panel chaired by Dr Hillson MBE.
To access the winning submission, click here.
To access the runner up’s submission, click here.
Photo by yaseminnes