Diabetes charity calls for life-saving supplies in response to Ukraine crisis

By Editor
7th March 2022
Charity, Good practice

An urgent appeal has been launched to provide a lifeline to people with diabetes in Ukraine amid fears vital supplies are running out.

The InDependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT) is calling on people to donate items including insulin, blood glucose meters and Jelly Babies to treat potentially fatal episodes of low blood glucose called hypoglycaemia.

People with type 1 diabetes who run out of insulin have only days to live, while if they run out of food, they can fall into a coma and need hospitalisation within days.

The appeal comes after the charity was contacted by people with diabetes from Ukraine who are becoming ever more desperate for help.

A citizen of Ukraine, who called IDDT on March 2 and whose identity has protected through fear of reprisals, told the charity: “Still, here, in Ukraine, we are simply out of stock of the vital simple necessities. They are all gone. The supplies were interrupted and they are not expected in the nearest future If you have an opportunity to provide any small or bigger help or know someone who can be of help, please respond to this letter.”

Martin Hirst, Chief Executive of the charity, said: “The deepening crisis in Ukraine means that there is an increasingly desperate need to help people trying to live with diabetes.

“It is hard to believe that not only are the people of Ukraine having to fight for their country and freedom, but they also are in desperate need of all their diabetes supplies. As the bombing continues, pharmacies close, hospitals run out of supplies and supply routes targeted.”

Jenny Hirst, Co-Chair, added: “IDDT has always supported all people with diabetes and this is one of the most important appeals we have had to make. We have joined forces with other organisations to do our best to help to get supplies to where they are needed as quickly and safely as possible.”

Here is a list of what is needed:

  • Insulin in pens, vials or cartridges
  • Insulin syringes
  • Blood glucose meters and test strips
  • Lancets and lancet devices
  • Glucagon
  • Hypoglycaemia treatments – packets of Jelly babies from the supermarket are a good example

All items should be new, unused and in-date and need to be sent to IDDT at the following address: IDDT, 210 Abington Avenue, Northampton, NN1 4PR.

The IDDT is a national charity based in Northampton providing vital independent support for people with diabetes, their parents and carers.

The charity formed in 1994 to fight for choice of treatment for all. It now provides a free, confidential helpline, has published dozens of helpful publications, stages events and lobbies the government on behalf of its members.

If you need to contact the charity, please telephone between 10am and 3pm on 01604 622837 Monday to Friday or email enquiries@iddtinternational.org.

Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash

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