T1International founder to step down

By Editor
30th August 2024
Charity, Good practice Type 1 diabetes

A charity which calls for diabetes supplies to be made available for everyone with the condition has revealed that its executive director is stepping down after more than a decade of leading the organisation.

Founder Liz Pfiester is handing over the reigns as she prepares to leave T1International next month.

Liz founded the charity more than a decade ago because she believed in creating a pharma-free community and advocacy space to network and collectively work to a world where everyone with diabetes has everything they need to survive and achieve their dreams.

Living with type 1 diabetes herself, Liz has dedicated her life to cultivating what many now know as the #insulin4all movement – a campaign which unites the diabetes community to fight together for access to diabetes supplies, care and treatment for everyone.

She had built an incredible community of thousands of people living with diabetes and their loved ones all across the world working together to make insulin affordable and accessible to all.

A virtual event is taking place on Saturday, September 14, to celebrate Liz’s achievements and to welcome in the new Executive Director.

To attend Liz’s Leaving Celebration, register here.

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