Better sensor pump access for hypos announced
People with type 1 diabetes who experience severe hypos are being given better access to sensor-augmented pumps, it has been announced. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ...
People with type 1 diabetes who experience severe hypos are being given better access to sensor-augmented pumps, it has been announced. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ...
Children who are diagnosed with diabetes before the age of seven develop a more aggressive form of the disease than that seen in teenagers, according to new research. The findings discovered ...
Small improvements in blood glucose levels could help the NHS save £5.5 billion and make significant improvements for people with diabetes, according to a study. Better glucose control could help ...
A group are set to trek across the Sahara desert to raise funds for a diabetes charity. It will take the 80 participants three days to cover the 50 kilometres. They are due to start their epic ...
Researchers in America are claiming a breakthrough in the pursuit of a cure for type 1 diabetes after halting the condition for six months. They managed to transplant cells into mice, which ...
A nasal spray with a powdered form of glucagon can rescue a hypo as quickly as injecting the drug, according to new research. Glucagon is a hormone which helps the body to increase blood glucose ...
A team of cyclists who covered 180 miles during a bike ride have raised more than £1,000 for the diabetes charity JDRF. The bikers, from Nipro Medical Europe which makes blood glucose meters, ...
Families affected by type 1 diabetes will benefit from the fundraising efforts of the world’s largest asset management firm, it has been announced. Staff from BlackRock, who aim to raise up to ...
Potential treatment for those newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes could enable their bodies to continue producing the insulin they need, according to new research. The study, which was funded by ...
The former MP and previous chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Diabetes has been made a vice-president of JDRF, the charity has announced. Adrian Sanders, who has lived with type 1 ...