New dates announced for Tomorrow’s Leaders programme

By Editor
20th December 2018

Applications are open for two free programmes aiming to inspire Diabetes Specialist Nurses (DSNs), dietitians and podiatrists to become leaders of the future.

Dates for Diabetes UK’s Tomorrow’s Leaders programme have been announced for 2019, with courses taking place in Leicester and Cardiff spanning February, March and May.

The leadership programme is for DSNs, dietitians and podiatrists, to give them the skills and knowledge to lead improvements in diabetes care. The three-day programme was developed and is delivered in partnership with Leicester Diabetes Centre and TREND-UK.

Tomorrow’s Leaders in Inpatient Care, Leicester Diabetes Centre
Days 1 and 2: Thursday, 28 February, to Friday, 1 March, 2019
Day 3: Friday, 10 May, 2019
Application deadline: 7 January, 2019
Tomorrow’s Leaders, Cardiff
Days 1 and 2: Thursday 21 to Friday, 22 March, 2019
Day 3: Friday, 17 May, 2019
Application deadline: 20 January, 2019

Feedback from previous participants has been extremely positive. One said: “Excellent. A course that delivers a service improvement with support. I have the lever to make a service change now and also feel more confident/empowered by the other peers on the course. Very motivating.”

More information about the programme, including dates and application forms is available by click here.

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