New NICE guidelines for type 2 diabetes out for consultation
Clinicians across the UK are being encouraged to review and comment on the latest National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for type 2 diabetes, which is currently in the development stage.
The report covers care and management for adults with type 2 diabetes and provides education on dietary advice, cardiovascular risk, blood glucose levels and long-term complications.
Updated recommendations, advised research areas, how rationale and impact sections affect practice and the guideline context will be addressed in the report.
The current draft guideline has proposed recommendations for treating patients with high cardiovascular risk or established cardiovascular disease. The remainder of the recommendations have been retained unchanged from the 2015 guideline.
However, these topic areas could alter while the guidelines are undergoing consultation.
Healthcare professionals working in diabetes care, adults with type 2 diabetes and commissioners and providers of diabetes services will all benefit from the new guidelines.
Entitled ‘Type 2 diabetes in adults: management’, the report’s consultation phase will end on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 5pm, with the finalised guidelines expected to be published on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
To read the drafted guidelines, click here.
To submit a recommendation, fill in a comments form and send it to
You must be registered as a stakeholder to take part, click here to register.
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