Ninjabetic – The love of learning
As I sat back on my sofa with a cup of tea in my hand, feet up and my day-to-day tasks behind me, I realised what a beautiful thing online learning is. It’s fast, fun, easy to access and it suits ...
As I sat back on my sofa with a cup of tea in my hand, feet up and my day-to-day tasks behind me, I realised what a beautiful thing online learning is. It’s fast, fun, easy to access and it suits ...
A website which aims to pull together all the resources and support for people with type 1 diabetes has been launched. T1 Resources is a collection of useful links, websites and online ...
Today I want to talk about a charity that has been on my radar ever since I joined the diabetes online community, but one that, in the past, hasn’t had the spotlight that it deserves. A revamp of ...
This week I had the pleasure of taking part in PhD research. It was about living with a chronic condition and using online communities to assist with the management of my type 1 diabetes, both ...
“According to Time Hop, five years ago today was a very important moment in my life. Although at that time I couldn’t see past the fear and uncertainty I was facing. I had come to a dead ...
Challenging and inspirational accounts of type 1 diabetes were shared at a new forum formed to raise awareness of the condition. The experiences of people living with type 1 diabetes and those ...
An event created to inspire people with type 1 diabetes to “think differently” about their condition takes place this weekend. The Talking About Diabetes (TAD) meeting has been organised by a ...
Transitional care, eh. What’s that all about? I’ve been presenting about it, reading about it and listening to discussions about it for the last few weeks and I have to admit, I’m feeling ...
Leading figures from the diabetes community debated the merits of the updated NICE guidelines published last year. The new guidance represented “common sense” while criticisms were ...
Last week, the lovely chirpy folks in the diabetes online community (#doc) took part in the return of the OurDiabetes tweet chat (@OurDiabetes) to discuss a topic that was perhaps a little ...