Leicester supports Singapore in type 2 diabetes fight
Expertise in preventing and treating Type 2 diabetes developed in Leicester will be used in Singapore’s “war on diabetes”. A ministerial delegation from the country learned more about how to ...
Expertise in preventing and treating Type 2 diabetes developed in Leicester will be used in Singapore’s “war on diabetes”. A ministerial delegation from the country learned more about how to ...
The translation of a tool to help people find out their risk of developing type 2 diabetes has been described by a leading diabetes professor as a “breakthrough”. The Leicester Risk Score enables ...
Faith leaders from the East Midlands have joined a new regional drive to improve type 2 diabetes care in ethnic minority communities. They have been recruited as Community Health Advocates as ...
Professor Melanie Davies CBE is Professor of Diabetes Medicine at the University of Leicester and co-founder of the Leicester Diabetes Centre, an international centre of excellence in diabetes ...
Managing people with poorly-controlled type 2 diabetes by general practices is as effective as using intermediate care teams run by specialist teams, researchers have concluded. A new model of ...
People have been learning more about type 2 diabetes at a specialist centre in Leicester to mark an international awareness campaign. The Leicester Diabetes Centre, based at Leicester General ...
A global discussion on diabetes self-management and prevention will take place in Denmark in December. The second annual conference of the Alliance for Diabetes Self-Management and Prevention ...
The next generation of diabetes leaders learned a new range of invaluable skills at a leadership programme staged at the Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC). More than 20 diabetes specialist nurses ...
Almost three quarters of South Asian people screened for diabetes at a pilot programme held at community faith centres in Leicester were found to have a ‘high risk’ of developing the condition. ...
A diabetes education programme for healthcare professionals developed by the NHS has been updated as part of a thorough review. Effective Diabetes Education Now! (EDEN) is a comprehensive ...